“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” Rumi
What is it? What lights you up from within? What, when you think about it, lifts your energy and makes you excited to be alive?
That, my friends, is your sacred key to living your purpose. Where is it leading you?
It might surprise you at times because it may look nothing like what you were told was important growing up. It may ignite a BIG change within you because it calls for you to be bold about who you are, and maybe no one ever told you how great being you really is, but let me remind you, you were made from and in the image of perfect, wild, unencumbered, delicious, captivating, and ever loving Divine beauty. You were made by the same Creator who painted the starry evening sky over the white sandy beach, fortressed in Palm Trees and shrouded in the sounds of rainforest wildlife.
You, my dear friend, are a masterpiece.
So, why wouldn’t you trust where your heart is beckoning you to live? Your whole being thrives in theenergy of a fulfilled heart. It whispers to you in the stillness of the morning on ways that you can fulfill it’s wild heart Spirit: passion, peace, inspiration, and love.
Love’s gravitational pull, lifts you to a life that is inherently good & having passion for what you love and those to whom you are called to serve with your life’s work, redefines you.
I recently had a woman book a consultation with me. She asked me how she could find her life’s purpose. If you are asking yourself the same thing:
Here are 4 Sacred Keys to Living Your Purpose…
1. Pay attention to what excites you.
Make a list of future visions for your life that EXCITE you. Don’t get too caught up in your head about this practice. Is it service to others? Is it church? Is it dancing? Art? Singing? Writing? Travel? Realestate? Write it all down. You weren’t born to live uninspired, in anyway. You would be surprised at how quickly this practice can work. When you clear on say, the top 5 things that excite you, you have a compass to guide you. I did this practice over 10 years ago while in India. I wrote down: Travel, Yoga, and Writing. If you know anything about me, you know that I know do all of these things for a living. As I have evolved, this list has grown, and I can honestly say that as the list grows, my life glows, more and more.
2. What are your natural gifts?
What were you naturally good at in school? What do you gravitate towards on your days and moments off? Who do you find yourself drawn to in service? Who seems drawn to you for service? What do they ask your advice for? Again, write it all down. As memories from your life arise that feel intuitive towards your path, journal them. This is a practice that reminds you that you were brilliantly crafted for your Divine purpose. I can reflect back to my early years in ballet class, folding my legs into a lotus at just 4 years old. I can remember feeling exquisite peace when seeing my father in a headstand for what seemed like forever around the same age and I can remember feeling the presence of God when I saw India in a movie for the first time. Everything from my past has lent itself to my ever blossoming life of my wildest dreams.
3. Pray and meditate each morning.
As soon as you wake up, set an intention to connect to Divine guidance for your purpose in this day. When your mind is still a bit quiet in the morning, delve into a short (Or long) meditation practice. Here is a guided meditation practice from me. Prayer is talking to the Universe and meditation is listening to the Universe. Have a conversation with Divine and watch your path unfold in a miraculous way.
4. Focus on gratitude.
Gratitude creates an energy of inspiration, joy, levity, love, and overall wellness. Tuning your mind into what you appreciate about what is in your present moment will draw more of that uplifting energy towards you. When you are just getting into the gratitude daily ritual, I suggest writing down what you are grateful for and why for at least a month so that the new positive habit sticks.
Learn more about 1 on 1 life coaching with me.
Author: Alana Roach, Founder of Explorations of Self