Can you feel it? The Super Full Moon in Virgo is upon us. Virgo happens to be my Moon’s sign. Your Moon sign is just as important as your Sun sign (You know, the one you read about in horoscopes & such.) The Moon sign is your emotional profile and guidance system. Find out your moon sign here.

What is an Empath? An Empath is someone who is energetically sensitive to their surroundings be it a person, place, or thing. What is a Super Moon? Super Moons are Full Moons that are at their closest points to our Earth. This is why they appear to be larger. What these means for Empaths: More exposure to the energies that come with the Super Moon.
This Super Moon happens to fall in the sign of Virgo. Virgos are Earth signs which relate to the physical side of life. They are extremely organized and detail oriented. Do not be surprised by your insatiable desire to clean and get things in order today. Virgo energy also has the deep rooted need to grow and improve their circumstances and surroundings. Virgo energy is service. You may find yourself wanting to help another today. Whatever your vessel, do something for someone else today without expecting anything in return. Regardless of what sign you are, the Full Moon’s sign effects you. Being conscious of this will help you better navigate these energies so that you can maintain more balance in your inner and outer worlds.
This Super Moon also brings with it great opportunity for love, success, and change. Stay positive and focused on what you deeply desire. Full Moon energy has a tendency to coax the waters in our own body (Just like the ocean) and when that happens we can often feel agitated, tired, and fatigued. Take a deep breath when this happens and know that this too shall pass. Also remind yourself that because everyone is influenced by the moon energies, there are a lot of emotional people out there today. Since we are Quantum energy bodies, we feel it all. Most of what you are feeling is most like not your own. Ask yourself today, “Is this mine or someone else’s?” If it is someone else’s use energy clearing tools like washing your hands, saging, and grounding visualizations to keep yourself as clear as possible If it’s yours, try journaling, doing yoga, going for a walk in nature, and other mindfulness practices.
How do you stay grounded during Full Moon’s as an Empath?
Author: Alana Roach, Founder of Explorations Of Self, LLC