With our Costa Rica retreat just two months away, we want to share with you why Nosara, Costa Rica is one of the most vibrant, healthy and beautiful places on Earth!
Our retreat takes place at the Bodhi Tree Resort in Nosara on the Nicoya Peninsula. The entire region is a protected wildlife area and remains one of the most pristine places on the planet!
Nosara has one of the greatest numbers of centenarians in the world based on it population. It is one of best of “blue zones” on the planet where people live the longest. My first thought was “What are they doing and how can I do it? The answer came in the form of food, fun, movement and nature!
The food in Nosara is not only fueling but the most delicious you’ll ever try! The fruits and veggies are healthy and huge! In the USA, we only see such big produce when it’s genetically engineered. In Nosara, the fruits and veggies are not only 100% organic but they are also the freshest. In U.S. supermarkets, they are shipped frozen or chocked full of preservatives. So, it’s really refreshing to bite into a juicy mango that’s been plucked off the tree in Nosara!

Good food is a huge part of the equation but it is the spirit of the people that will make you fall in love with this corner of the world! The people are warm-hearted and happy to lend a hand or point out directions. The people work hard but know how to have fun too. Whether its traditional festivals or just sitting around playing cards and laughing, there’s a lot of joy here! The people of Nosara are hardworkers but work is far more pleasant in paradise. No need to stop working at 65 like in the States. You’ll find the centenarians here are still out in the fields doing manual labor! But they don’t bemoan still working because they have the vitality to do it! After all, it’s the movement of their daily activities that give them such a long lifespan! The centenarians say that having a “plan de vida,” or reason to live makes them feel needed and gives them a sense of purpose that often centers on their family.
![Fresh and local fruit and vegetables! I am in heaven![costaricantimes.com]](https://explorationsofself.com//wp-content/uploads/2014/09/image3.jpg)
The energy of Nosara is palpable. You can feel it just by walking through the rainforest canopy or lying on a white sand beach. Many visitors say they do not need to sleep or eat nearly as much in Nosara as the energy of the place sustains them. This magical aspect of the land makes it a perfect place to practice yoga, self-reflect or sing and dance with community!
The more we experience Nosara, the more we find to love! Scuba-diving, surfing, waterfall hikes, awesome people and nearly year-round sunny days truly makes this paradise shine!
But to really explore the Nicoya peninsula, you have to experience it firsthand! Just a few spots left for our retreat of a lifetime this January at the Bodhi Tree Resort. Come join us for world-class yoga, sound healing, food and adventure at the most beautiful resort in the most beautiful place in the world. See you soon!
About the author: Brian is a teacher and healer. He brings the mind, body, heart and soul back into balance through overtone chanting, crystal and tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks.
He has the unique ability to hear oto-acoustic emissions, the natural
frequencies emitted by the body.
His spiritual name “Anahata Nada” means “unstruck sound” and echoes his ability to hear the sounds of the cosmos. Anahata also means heart and speaks to Brian’s passion to help others hear the sound of their heart to guide them on their journey. Follow on instagram @anahatanada333 www.besoundnow.com Contact: bjrusso333@gmail.com