Happy Spring Equinox!!! This is such an amazing day for this post! The solar plexus chakra is directly in alignment with the new energies we are arriving with in this new Spring season. This is a time to really own our destiny’s work and live out our dreams! It all begins with owning your power with GRACE.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.”
-Marianne Williamson
So, in lieu of planting our seeds of our deepest desires and hopes, this week’s practice will include “Cobra Pose,” aka “Bhujangasana,” (In Sanskrit, India’s sacred language of yoga) accompanied with the third of the 7 main energy centers in our body called the, “Solar Plexus Chakra,” or ,”Manipura,”in Sanskrit which translates to, “Jeweled City.”
This yellow, ten petaled lotus solar plexus chakra is located in your abdomen, right above the navel.
This energy center governs our self confidence, well-being and personal power. Are you ready to really go after what you desire? What is your destiny? This is the center that reminds us that all of these things and more are possible. When this center is out of balance, one can become angry, depressed, and suffer from an over all low self-esteem. On the other end of the spectrum. Maintaining a regular solar plexus chakra balancing practice is necessary to feel motivated in pursuing your passions
As we enter the Pisces/Virgo full moon on March 12th, we prepare to let go of that which no longer serves us, in order to planet new seeds for the Spring Equinox on March 20th. So, in order to get clear on what we WANT, and also to become ready to let go of what we do not, it is essential that we take the time to become centered through yoga and mindfulness practices
Cobra pose allows us to develop flexibility and strength in our lower back, while nurturing the lumbar spine.
Let’s get started!
Stay tuned to our weekly emails over the next 4 weeks to journey through yoga asana and the remaining 4 chakras!So much love,