This New Moon in Aquarius parallels Mercury in Retrograde. Listen to this read to help you banish fear and continue in the pursuit of your passionate, purpose fueled lifestyle.
4 Sacred Keys to Living Your Purpose
“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” Rumi
What is it? What lights you up from within? What, when you think about it, lifts your energy and makes you excited to be alive?
That, my friends, is your sacred key to living your purpose. Where is it leading you?
It might surprise you at times because it may look nothing like what you were told was important growing up. It may ignite a BIG change within you because it calls for you to be bold about who you are, and maybe no one ever told you how great being you really is, but let me remind you, you were made from and in the image of perfect, wild, unencumbered, delicious, captivating, and ever loving Divine beauty. You were made by the same Creator who painted the starry evening sky over the white sandy beach, fortressed in Palm Trees and shrouded in the sounds of rainforest wildlife.
You, my dear friend, are a masterpiece.
So, why wouldn’t you trust where your heart is beckoning you to live? Your whole being thrives in theenergy of a fulfilled heart. It whispers to you in the stillness of the morning on ways that you can fulfill it’s wild heart Spirit: passion, peace, inspiration, and love.
Love’s gravitational pull, lifts you to a life that is inherently good & having passion for what you love and those to whom you are called to serve with your life’s work, redefines you.
I recently had a woman book a consultation with me. She asked me how she could find her life’s purpose. If you are asking yourself the same thing:
Here are 4 Sacred Keys to Living Your Purpose…
1. Pay attention to what excites you.
Make a list of future visions for your life that EXCITE you. Don’t get too caught up in your head about this practice. Is it service to others? Is it church? Is it dancing? Art? Singing? Writing? Travel? Realestate? Write it all down. You weren’t born to live uninspired, in anyway. You would be surprised at how quickly this practice can work. When you clear on say, the top 5 things that excite you, you have a compass to guide you. I did this practice over 10 years ago while in India. I wrote down: Travel, Yoga, and Writing. If you know anything about me, you know that I know do all of these things for a living. As I have evolved, this list has grown, and I can honestly say that as the list grows, my life glows, more and more.
2. What are your natural gifts?
What were you naturally good at in school? What do you gravitate towards on your days and moments off? Who do you find yourself drawn to in service? Who seems drawn to you for service? What do they ask your advice for? Again, write it all down. As memories from your life arise that feel intuitive towards your path, journal them. This is a practice that reminds you that you were brilliantly crafted for your Divine purpose. I can reflect back to my early years in ballet class, folding my legs into a lotus at just 4 years old. I can remember feeling exquisite peace when seeing my father in a headstand for what seemed like forever around the same age and I can remember feeling the presence of God when I saw India in a movie for the first time. Everything from my past has lent itself to my ever blossoming life of my wildest dreams.
3. Pray and meditate each morning.
As soon as you wake up, set an intention to connect to Divine guidance for your purpose in this day. When your mind is still a bit quiet in the morning, delve into a short (Or long) meditation practice. Here is a guided meditation practice from me. Prayer is talking to the Universe and meditation is listening to the Universe. Have a conversation with Divine and watch your path unfold in a miraculous way.
4. Focus on gratitude.
Gratitude creates an energy of inspiration, joy, levity, love, and overall wellness. Tuning your mind into what you appreciate about what is in your present moment will draw more of that uplifting energy towards you. When you are just getting into the gratitude daily ritual, I suggest writing down what you are grateful for and why for at least a month so that the new positive habit sticks.
Learn more about 1 on 1 life coaching with me.
Author: Alana Roach, Founder of Explorations of Self
Yoga Nidra for Letting Go of Anxiety & Stress
Yoga Nidra, aka as deep sleep, is a very amazing meditation technique that I personally LOVE teaching to all of my students. It can be done both laying down or sitting. depending on your environment. It’s a simple way to reduce anxiety and stress, which is needed collectively now more than we have most likely ever experienced before.
So, find a comfortable space in your mind and with your body where you can be undisturbed for the next 10 minutes, light some candles, put on your lavender aromatherapy diffuser, and enjoy this Yoga Nidra for Letting Go of Anxiety & Stress.
Learn more about 1 on 1 Life Coaching with Alana.
New Moon in Capricorn Oracle Card Read
Total Solar Eclipse New Moon Read
Enjoy this read and let me know if you have any questions!
To learn more about how to work the moon cycles and your unique soul path go here.
A Metta Meditation Ceremony for the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini and Beyond

35 Ways to Self-Sooth During this Holiday Season
Hello EOS Community,
I hope that you had an amazing Thanksgiving despite our collective challenges with the current climate. For most of us this holiday was incredibly different. Embracing change can feel extra challenging when it’s thrust upon us. However, if we accept the moment for being exactly as it is for a very good reason, then we can not only find the lesson, but also find the treasure.
I spent last year’s Thanksgiving in the deserts of California with my daughter and some good friends, which was a first. It was incredible! Years ago when I was living in Costa Rica, I spent Thanksgiving eating rice and beans. Also, amazing. This year I got to spend Thanksgiving with my close family. What a gift. I have also lost a close friend and family member around this holiday, spending Thanksgiving Day grieving and tending to the heart. I can only imagine what your holiday memories have been like over a lifetime. Life is ever changing… People, places, and things come and go.
I have been very blessed to to be able to know that Divine grace is within me and all around me (And my loved ones) during all moments along this path. I have especially been aware of it over the last decade or so because of mindfulness practices being integrated into my daily lifestyle. I went from needing to know every single detail of my future (Which is impossible) to letting go more and more because I knew that God had a better and bigger plan for me. My faith has felt imperfect at times. I’m human. I get caught up in fear and patterns from time to time, but what I have noticed is that because of my unrelenting commitment to fulfilling my divine purpose on this planet for God has made all of my life a work of art leading to a miraculous destination that is right…now…. and right now we are connected to Divine, the only thing that is unchanging, which is the essential Truth of who and what we truly ARE and always have been. So, in that way, it’s ALL been perfect.
Right now you’re walking your path and you are held by God right where you are. If you feel that this year has been one big derail for you, let’s help ourselves by witnessing Divine grace within it. How can we find gratitude, forgiveness, and joy for this year? How can we accept people, places, and things for being exactly as they are while allowing ourselves to be transformed by our willingness to let go. How are we becoming stronger, stiller, confident, kinder, more faithful, more giving, appreciative, forgiving, compassionate, loving, free-flowing, less ego-ic, less defined by our surroundings, more defined by our inner character that is forever blossoming and changing when prompted by something being stripped away? Pay attention to those things, because that is what keeps you going and GROWING.
So, my friends, where ever you are personally on your path right now, stay humble, stay excited, stay curious, and stay faithful. The best is yet to come.
If you find yourself feeling a little low during this holiday season, take some time to self-sooth. You’ve been through a lot this year. Give yourself a pat on the back. Know that you are loved and that everything will be ok.
Here are some ways to self-sooth during this Holiday Season:
Listen to some of your favorite music.
Hug a loved one and if that’s not possible, call a loved one.
Write a poem.
Take a silly picture.
Go for a walk in nature.
Take a bath.
Watch a funny movie.
Do yoga.
Do tai chi or Qi-Gong.
Do your hair and make-up.
Take a nap.
Go to bed early.
Learn how to play an instrument.
Learn how to read music.
Watch an inspiring or funny movie.
Listen to an inspirational or funny podcast.
Paint your nails.
Don’t do anything (Favorite).
Paint, draw, scribble.
Start that project you’ve been putting off.
Read a book.
Sign up for a self-development workshop.
Start a cleanse.
Check in with your life coach.
Positive affirmations.
Clean your space. Seriously, toss whatever doesn’t make you feel JOY.
Get an intuitive energy reading and healing.
Tell yourself 10 things you are grateful for in this moment.

Email me at if you are interested in booking with me for one or more of the following:
Virtual Shamanic, Reiki, Oracle Card Readings, and Intuitive Energy Healing
Fertility, Prenatal, and Postpartum support as your Virtual Holistic Coach and Doula.
Virtual Yoga Private Sessions for Women
Virtual Corporate Yoga, Meditation, and/or Mindfulness Events
Virtual Integrative Nutrition Coaching
Life & Business Coaching for Women
Virtual Public Speaking Opportunities & Press
Super New Moon in Scorpio Guided Meditation
During this guided meditation with Alana you will shield, ground, re-calibrate with positive love light frequencies, release old/blocked energies/patterns, re-birth, and allow the Divine energies to cascade into your being as you prepare to rise like the phoenix into your new life’s chapter! If you like this meditation and want more free mindfulness content from me every month, please like, comment, subscribe and share my Youtube channel!
Super New Moon Oracle Card Reading: 1, 2, or 3?
1, 2, or 3? 11/11 Ascension Portal & Super New Moon oracle card message to help you navigate these powerful, globally awakening energies. These energies are heightened right now for your highest good now through Thanksgiving!!! Seize this incredible opportunity and step INTO your purpose!✨
Oct 31st 2020’s Blue Full Moon Meditation
We have had two Full Moons this month which creates what is known as a Blue Moon for the second one. This Full Blue Moon in Taurus marks the beginning of Samhain, the beginning of our darker, more introspective, yin energy Winter season. Samhain is where Halloween gets it’s roots historically, and it is said that today through tomorrow is when the “veil” between our earthly dimensions and other dimensions is the thinnest.
Taurus is the bull, the sign known for it’s strength, passion, patience, endurance, and grounding energy. This makes our Blue Full Moon a powerful one for calling in what is necessary from our inner pool of Divine endurance and grace to propel us forward to fully realizing our purpose, which is ever evolving while we are in this human form!!
This is also a powerful time of release. During this time, we are all releasing deep wounding so that we can finally let it go and MOVE ON to new life lessons. It’s important to recognize that the past is the past and that you are no longer that person that you keep recalling. You are here. You are present. You are new in this moment and each moment to follow. This Blue Full Moon Taurus calls us to balance our root chakras and ground while connecting to the New Earth Grid Consciousness. Best selling author, speaker, luminary, and visionary, Lori Spagna, relates to this New Earth Grid as, “Humanity has now moved into an entirely NEW reality which IS entirely based on energy, vibration, consciousness and free will.” Meaning, we are collectively awakening and ascending when we choose to do so.
So, take the time to connect to the Amrita (Nectar of the Moon) of this Blue Full Moon at some point throughout today or tomorrow to amplify your energies. You are always worth the self awareness and the self-care.
Here is a Guided Meditation for today’s Blue Full Moon to get you in alignment to release, regenerate, envision, and charge forward towards your Divine life purpose.
In love and deep respect for your Divine path,
Works Cited: Editors. “Samhain.”, A&E Television Networks, 6 Apr. 2018,