Yes. I’ve said it. Your menstrual cycle. A guide to success. I call it a Moon Cycle and it is your super power. Ever since I started looking into the moon phases a decade ago, I noticed my periods aligned with New or Full Moons almost always. I’ve talked to MANY women about their moon cycles and they can concur. Women are in sync with the moon and this synchronization is a creative force.
Dr Christiane Northup noted:
Studies have shown that peak rates of conception and probably ovulation appear to occur at the full moon or the day before.
During the new moon, ovulation and conception rates are decreased overall, and an increased number of women start their menstrual bleeding. Scientific research has documented that the moon rules the flow of fluids (ocean tides as well as individual body fluids) and affects the unconscious mind and dreams.1
The timing of the menstrual cycle, the fertility cycle, and labor also follows the moon-dominated tides of the ocean. Environmental cues such as light, the moon, and the tides play a documented role in regulating women’s menstrual cycles and fertility.
In one study of nearly two thousand women with irregular menstrual cycles, more than half of the subjects achieved regular menstrual cycles of twenty-nine days’ length by sleeping with a light on near their beds during the three days around ovulation.2
We, as a culture, often overlook our menstrual cycles as just one of those things that just happen. I am often surprised about the lack of conversation within communities of women on this topic. We need to re-claim our bodies as powerful, sovereign, MAGICAL, creative life forces.
I noticed long ago that my cycles were important for cleansing, creating, restoring, and balancing. Our menstrual cycles are a gift. They not only give us an opportunity to create an actual life, but also give us a huge opportunity to create life to our dream life.
If you do not know your cycle, there are so many great apps to help with that. I use the Flo App and it’s free!
Follicular phase
The phase that happens right after your period. During this phase you start to feel more alive and energetic. This is a great time to start new projects, make new connections, be creative, be in front of the camera, write, and travel for business. You will enjoy being around people and connecting with others at this time so take advantage of your outgoing nature! I will often take on a little bit more during this time because I know I have the energy to manage it.
During your ovulation phase you will feel most likely feel magical. People are attracted to you more than ever. Schedule business meetings with people who have possibly been on the fence. Get into receptive mode. The more you can just allow the abundance to find you, the better. This is a great time to ask The Universe to bring you people that you can help with ease.
Luteal Phase
During this phase we will want to slow down. Give yourself this time. Don’t take as many appts. Do less. Self care more. This is a time to allow all of the work that you have done earlier in your cycle to incubate. There is an incredible intelligence at work here within our mind, body, and spirit. Trust yourself.
Dr. Christiane Northup also states that:
“Women, too, go through a period of darkness each month, when the life-force may seem to disappear for a while (premenstrual and menstrual phases).4 We need not be afraid or think we are sick if our energies and moods naturally ebb for a few days each month. In many parts of India, it’s perfectly acceptable for women to slow down during their periods and rest more.
I have come to see that all kinds of stress-related disease, ranging from PMS to osteoporosis, could be lessened a great deal if we simply followed our body’s wisdom once per month.”
Our body is cleansing at this time. In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, women do not practice yoga for the first 3 days of menstruation. They honor their bodies and the apana (Downward flowing energies.) This is a time of transformation. Energy that we have taken on or emotions that we have possibly shoved down away from the surface are released. This is a great time to meditate, journal, take baths, get a massage, rest, organize and clean if there’s natural energy for that. If there’s anything that didn’t quite feel right in your business this month, now is the time to release it and let go.
We should be celebrating our Moon Cycles. There is great MAGIC in it! We are very blessed. We are creative forces. If our cycles can literally create a life, why wouldn’t our cycles be able to create limitless possibility in every area of our life?
If you are experiencing difficulties with your cycle or would like 1 on 1 life coaching for a particular area in your life, go here to schedule your free 15 minute consult!
With love,
My grandmother always talks about the relationship between women and moon. And I love to hear everything that she says about it. Thanks.