A Metta Meditation Ceremony for the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini and Beyond

// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
We have had two Full Moons this month which creates what is known as a Blue Moon for the second one. This Full Blue Moon in Taurus marks the beginning of Samhain, the beginning of our darker, more introspective, yin energy Winter season. Samhain is where Halloween gets it’s roots historically, and it is said that today through tomorrow is when the “veil” between our earthly dimensions and other dimensions is the thinnest.
Taurus is the bull, the sign known for it’s strength, passion, patience, endurance, and grounding energy. This makes our Blue Full Moon a powerful one for calling in what is necessary from our inner pool of Divine endurance and grace to propel us forward to fully realizing our purpose, which is ever evolving while we are in this human form!!
This is also a powerful time of release. During this time, we are all releasing deep wounding so that we can finally let it go and MOVE ON to new life lessons. It’s important to recognize that the past is the past and that you are no longer that person that you keep recalling. You are here. You are present. You are new in this moment and each moment to follow. This Blue Full Moon Taurus calls us to balance our root chakras and ground while connecting to the New Earth Grid Consciousness. Best selling author, speaker, luminary, and visionary, Lori Spagna, relates to this New Earth Grid as, “Humanity has now moved into an entirely NEW reality which IS entirely based on energy, vibration, consciousness and free will.” Meaning, we are collectively awakening and ascending when we choose to do so.
So, take the time to connect to the Amrita (Nectar of the Moon) of this Blue Full Moon at some point throughout today or tomorrow to amplify your energies. You are always worth the self awareness and the self-care.
In love and deep respect for your Divine path,
Works Cited:
History.com Editors. “Samhain.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 6 Apr. 2018, www.history.com/topics/holidays/samhain.
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
There is only one you.
You were created with purpose and precision to deliver a message that only you can deliver. Too often you question yourself, and too often you stop before you begin. It’s easy to fall into habit because it becomes comfortable, but your soul yearns for Divinity in all moments, and that Divinity is a creative force. All loving, all pervasive, and it moves with the stars, the sea, and it moves in YOU.
“Our entire biological system, the brain and the Earth itself, work on the same frequencies.” ~Nikola Tesla
We can also, often forget that we are connected beings. We see barriers because you see someone who is not you, and yet, on a quantum level, they are one with you. The same goes for what you see in nature. You are one with the Earth and the galaxies. This is why it is fascinating to see how connected we can be to the moon cycles and astrological alignments, like this evening’s Full Moon, and 8/8’s Lion’s Gate Portal.
I don’t follow astrology religiously. I use is as a tool of understanding. Often times I will feel an astrological alignment in my soul before I look it up. It reminds me that I am a small part of a whole. We all are. The collective experiences things together, be the details slightly different, yes. This can definitely be said for the pandemic right now. We realize now more than ever that we are all in this together.
This Full Moon and upcoming Lion’s Gate Portal elevates our energy, and reminds us that what no longer serves us can and will fall away. Thank goodness for our yoga practice because if we are consistently practicing, we are in the practice of letting go and surrendering all of the time. These energies are also asking that we be still and know our own special energy signature, and that we use our energy signature to write our own story of LOVING KINDNESS. Remember, you have a destiny to fulfill.
It’s time to be YOU.
If you need coaching, support, and guidance:
I offer 1:1 and small group work remotely!
This is my life’s work. To remind you of your greatness.
DM me if you’re interested and we can set up a time to connect!
With loving kindness,
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is re-calibrating and uplifting our heart chakra center as it is in the sun sign of Cancer which governs this energy center & our emotional body.
I had some lucid dreams as a child as well; dreams that I remember to this day, but ever since I started a daily meditation practice, my dreams have become incredibly vivid, especially around the New and Full Moon.
Dreaming led me on the path of Shamanism around the same time I started meditation, where I discovered, “Shamanic Dreaming.”
Tribal shamans took dreams seriously, working with their own dreams as well as those reported by members of their tribes. Various tribes interpreted dreams differently; for members of the Mohave tribe, dreams were sources of knowledge and messages from the Great Spirit, while the Iroquois Indians saw dreams as “wishes of the soul.” ~Corrosion Doctors
I have been led through a maze of Shamanic rituals from various traditions ever since I started really paying attention to my Full Moon dreams. Perhaps you have, too. These dreams hold great messages.
I had synchronicities surrounding this heart dream the day of the dream and the day after in my waking reality. I later found out that the sign of Cancer is all about the heart chakra.My dream this month was all about the heart. No surprise, right? Yet, I am always surprised, because I get so excited about these miracles!
Experiences like this happen to me all the time. They are so common for me these days that I don’t even question it anymore. They are experiences that hold so much wisdom. I pay attention. I trust that the Universe is gently guiding me in all moments, and the sooner I pay attention, the more joy I will experience in life.
Ascended Master Saint Germain, believed by those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to have previously been embodied as Plato, Proclus, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, and numerous others, was quoted as saying:
“When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life, he chooses of his own free will to become an intensified individual focus of Self-Conscious Intelligence. He is the conscious director of his future activities. Thus, having once made his choice, he is the only one who can fulfill that Destiny — which is not inflexible circumstance but a definitely designed Plan of Perfection.” [13] When You, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ will to come forth into an Individualized Focus of Conscious Dominion and use the Creative Word, ‘I AM,’ Your First Individual Activity is the Formation of a Flame. Then you, the ‘Individualized Focus’ of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ begin your Dynamic Expression of Life. This Activity, We term Self-consciousness, meaning the Individual who is conscious of his Source and Perfection of Life, expressing through himself.” [1] (Source)
The moon helps us to shed old patterns or belief systems that can make us feel disconnected from our Higher Self or I Am Presence. Remember that you are never truly disconnected from this Loving Presence. However, there are ways to attune your physical and mental body to become more and more in alignment with your divinity. This is why we are here! To tune into our Divinity and discover + share it with the world in our unique chasm.
Shamanic practices are an integral part of my personal healing practices to this day. Shamanic rituals that require nothing more than breath and awarenesses of the power that is pouring out of us at any given moment.
You are connecting to your inner shaman anytime you connect to the unseen realms of this Universe through presence of your breath, dreams, energies, elements in nature, and so on.
The healing of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is individualized for each of us. How can you know what The Universe is trying to tell you during this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ?
These 3 simple steps will help you embody you practice your own unique Full Moon ritual. It doesn’t need to make sense to anyone else but you, just go with your inner LOVING guidance and more will be revealed!
For example:
My dreams have been about relationships, specifically close relationships, and my heart. While noting this, I have been preparing my body and mind temple to receive the healing with daily self care rituals in the days leading up to the full moon. I have been praying and meditating every morning, doing at least an hour of yoga every day, and taking candle lit, essential oil infused, bubble baths at night. I have been asking God to reveal to me the wisdom being shared in my dreams and asking how I can step into full alignment of my Divine Purpose during my morning prayer and meditation. The reveal? I have been gracefully led to an abundance ritual that involves journaling, affirmations, and service. I have had 2 past students reach out to me seemingly random with potent information for me. Both of them said that I have been on their mind a lot lately, and one even had a vivid Shamanic dream about me. She called it a, “Manifestation Dream,” and had specific advice for me to apply to my business. This excites me!!! That’s how you know it is meant for YOU! Does it excite you? Does it make you joy-filled and inspired? That’s God speaking to you. That’s your Full Moon Ritual.
Remember, the more consistent you are with daily prayer and meditation, the more you open yourself up to miracles from The Universe.
The Universe is always sending us LOVE and guidance. Are you paying attention?
Do you want more guidance on how to step into your power in a whole new way and live in alignment with your Divine Life Purpose? If you are seeking guidance in spirituality, starting our up-leveling your passion project & business, or desire to get in peak mind/body shape, email me at Explorationsofself@gmail.com or go here to learn more!
With much love and light on your journey during this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse,
Founder of Explorations of Self
Abundance Coach, International Yoga Teacher, Write
Mother, Surf Enthusiast, Lover of LOVE, The Joy of Being Retreat in Bali
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
Gravitate towards the things, people, and places in life that make you feel good, nourished, happy, & supported.
Shed the things, people, and places in your life that do the opposite.
For me, one of the places that offers nourishment and respite is nature. During today’s full moon in Taurus, the Earth element is beckoning to us to harness our inner STRENGTH, truth, and sensitivities.
Your full moon ritual today:
Get outside. Even if it’s for a few minutes. Ground yourself in the beauty of nature, and as you do, journal on what lights you up inside! Ask yourself, “What makes me feel good, nourished, happy, supported?”
Write your heart out, don’t stop until you’re really done.
This is your full moon ritual. Tonight, go back outside with your piece of paper, and burn it under the full moon light with a silent prayer of, “Thank you,” to the Universe as you watch the smoke carry your full moon intentions away, reflect on the aspects of your ego that you would like to release… let them go with the smoke as well.
Remember, anything is possible, and you are a co-creator with the Great Spirit that made the stars, sky, Earth, cosmos.
Re-direct your intentions to the positive, always, always, always.
Much love,
Founder of Explorations of Self
Alana’s love for yoga came from firsthand experience with just how powerful the practice is. “In 2009, Yoga found me. Inside the studio, she experienced a deep sense of belonging, but the most profound part was what happened after. “I felt as though I was at true peace. I finally knew what the word meant. Until that moment, I had just understood it cerebrally. There is something profound to be said about Peace dropping into the heart.” Read More