Learn more about Holistic Integrative Coaching with Energy Work for Women via Zoom!
(includes 1 on 1 and small group sessions)

// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
Learn more about Holistic Integrative Coaching with Energy Work for Women via Zoom!
(includes 1 on 1 and small group sessions)
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
During this guided meditation with Alana you will shield, ground, re-calibrate with positive love light frequencies, release old/blocked energies/patterns, re-birth, and allow the Divine energies to cascade into your being as you prepare to rise like the phoenix into your new life’s chapter! If you like this meditation and want more free mindfulness content from me every month, please like, comment, subscribe and share my Youtube channel!
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
We have had two Full Moons this month which creates what is known as a Blue Moon for the second one. This Full Blue Moon in Taurus marks the beginning of Samhain, the beginning of our darker, more introspective, yin energy Winter season. Samhain is where Halloween gets it’s roots historically, and it is said that today through tomorrow is when the “veil” between our earthly dimensions and other dimensions is the thinnest.
Taurus is the bull, the sign known for it’s strength, passion, patience, endurance, and grounding energy. This makes our Blue Full Moon a powerful one for calling in what is necessary from our inner pool of Divine endurance and grace to propel us forward to fully realizing our purpose, which is ever evolving while we are in this human form!!
This is also a powerful time of release. During this time, we are all releasing deep wounding so that we can finally let it go and MOVE ON to new life lessons. It’s important to recognize that the past is the past and that you are no longer that person that you keep recalling. You are here. You are present. You are new in this moment and each moment to follow. This Blue Full Moon Taurus calls us to balance our root chakras and ground while connecting to the New Earth Grid Consciousness. Best selling author, speaker, luminary, and visionary, Lori Spagna, relates to this New Earth Grid as, “Humanity has now moved into an entirely NEW reality which IS entirely based on energy, vibration, consciousness and free will.” Meaning, we are collectively awakening and ascending when we choose to do so.
So, take the time to connect to the Amrita (Nectar of the Moon) of this Blue Full Moon at some point throughout today or tomorrow to amplify your energies. You are always worth the self awareness and the self-care.
In love and deep respect for your Divine path,
Works Cited:
History.com Editors. “Samhain.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 6 Apr. 2018, www.history.com/topics/holidays/samhain.
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
// by Alana Roach// Leave a Comment
Your wish is granted.
You are incredibly loved and adored.
You are abundant and experience abundance in all forms.
You are radiance like sunshine.
You are remarkably talented and easily express your unique creative genius.
You are effervescent like the lunar glow.
You are incredibly intelligent and wise beyond measure.
You are JOY embodied.
Where do you go from here?
You have been whole your entire existence.
Now that you realize this, what do you choose to spend your time on? What are you dwelling on? Who do you spend time with? What do you think about when you are alone? What expression do you wear on your avatar? Who’s life do you touch? What words do you speak.
What wishes are you granting?
Divine One,
You are the one you have been waiting for.
You are what you seek.
Rejoice in your brilliance.
Be present with your Creator.
The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you
Don’t go back to sleep! ~Rumi
Alana Roach , Founder of Explorations of Self
Loving mother, entrepreneur, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, international wellness retreats, writer, surf enthusiast
Alana’s love for yoga came from firsthand experience with just how powerful the practice is. “In 2009, Yoga found me. Inside the studio, she experienced a deep sense of belonging, but the most profound part was what happened after. “I felt as though I was at true peace. I finally knew what the word meant. Until that moment, I had just understood it cerebrally. There is something profound to be said about Peace dropping into the heart.” Read More