Hello EOS Community,
I hope that you had an amazing Thanksgiving despite our collective challenges with the current climate. For most of us this holiday was incredibly different. Embracing change can feel extra challenging when it’s thrust upon us. However, if we accept the moment for being exactly as it is for a very good reason, then we can not only find the lesson, but also find the treasure.
I spent last year’s Thanksgiving in the deserts of California with my daughter and some good friends, which was a first. It was incredible! Years ago when I was living in Costa Rica, I spent Thanksgiving eating rice and beans. Also, amazing. This year I got to spend Thanksgiving with my close family. What a gift. I have also lost a close friend and family member around this holiday, spending Thanksgiving Day grieving and tending to the heart. I can only imagine what your holiday memories have been like over a lifetime. Life is ever changing… People, places, and things come and go.
I have been very blessed to to be able to know that Divine grace is within me and all around me (And my loved ones) during all moments along this path. I have especially been aware of it over the last decade or so because of mindfulness practices being integrated into my daily lifestyle. I went from needing to know every single detail of my future (Which is impossible) to letting go more and more because I knew that God had a better and bigger plan for me. My faith has felt imperfect at times. I’m human. I get caught up in fear and patterns from time to time, but what I have noticed is that because of my unrelenting commitment to fulfilling my divine purpose on this planet for God has made all of my life a work of art leading to a miraculous destination that is right…now…. and right now we are connected to Divine, the only thing that is unchanging, which is the essential Truth of who and what we truly ARE and always have been. So, in that way, it’s ALL been perfect.
Right now you’re walking your path and you are held by God right where you are. If you feel that this year has been one big derail for you, let’s help ourselves by witnessing Divine grace within it. How can we find gratitude, forgiveness, and joy for this year? How can we accept people, places, and things for being exactly as they are while allowing ourselves to be transformed by our willingness to let go. How are we becoming stronger, stiller, confident, kinder, more faithful, more giving, appreciative, forgiving, compassionate, loving, free-flowing, less ego-ic, less defined by our surroundings, more defined by our inner character that is forever blossoming and changing when prompted by something being stripped away? Pay attention to those things, because that is what keeps you going and GROWING.
So, my friends, where ever you are personally on your path right now, stay humble, stay excited, stay curious, and stay faithful. The best is yet to come.
If you find yourself feeling a little low during this holiday season, take some time to self-sooth. You’ve been through a lot this year. Give yourself a pat on the back. Know that you are loved and that everything will be ok.
Here are some ways to self-sooth during this Holiday Season:
Listen to some of your favorite music.
Hug a loved one and if that’s not possible, call a loved one.
Write a poem.
Take a silly picture.
Go for a walk in nature.
Take a bath.
Watch a funny movie.
Do yoga.
Do tai chi or Qi-Gong.
Do your hair and make-up.
Take a nap.
Go to bed early.
Learn how to play an instrument.
Learn how to read music.
Watch an inspiring or funny movie.
Listen to an inspirational or funny podcast.
Paint your nails.
Don’t do anything (Favorite).
Paint, draw, scribble.
Start that project you’ve been putting off.
Read a book.
Sign up for a self-development workshop.
Start a cleanse.
Check in with your life coach.
Positive affirmations.
Clean your space. Seriously, toss whatever doesn’t make you feel JOY.
Get an intuitive energy reading and healing.
Tell yourself 10 things you are grateful for in this moment.

Email me at info@explorationsofself.com if you are interested in booking with me for one or more of the following:
Virtual Shamanic, Reiki, Oracle Card Readings, and Intuitive Energy Healing
Fertility, Prenatal, and Postpartum support as your Virtual Holistic Coach and Doula.
Virtual Yoga Private Sessions for Women
Virtual Corporate Yoga, Meditation, and/or Mindfulness Events
Virtual Integrative Nutrition Coaching
Life & Business Coaching for Women
Virtual Public Speaking Opportunities & Press