The truth is within. It’s not in opinions. You can’t find it through someone else’s filter, nor will you find it through your own fears. Creating time to BE with your Creator is essential to finding the answers you seek. Only you know what they are, and first, you must become still enough to hear.
I am navigating my own feelings around big transitions during my life right now. Sometimes I look back on what I’ve accomplished over the last ten years despite the challenges of the emotional heart that I have faced, and say to myself, “Good God, woman, look at you. I am so proud of you. You are STRONG & courageous. You must really TRUST your Creator.” Our life Path is not linear. I believe God is a Thee Wild Artist & if we choose to listen and trust God’s guidance, we will be taken on a fun, miraculous, delicious, delightful, not always easy, but worth it ADVENTURE.
🦋You are a masterpiece. Your life is an exquisite & unique expression of your DIVINE PURPOSE. It takes a lot of guts to do what you do and be what you came here to BE. Be proud of yourself. You, even in your lowest moments, are perfect & loved beyond what you could possibly even imagine👌
You got to where you are because of every moment that led to who you are right now.
“It couldn’t have happened any other way,” Joe Zumbo
Cheers to new chapters. Are you entering a new chapter in your life right now? What are some emotions you are experiencing around this? I would love to be your guide during this transition. DM me for more info on Integrative Lifestyle Coaching 🥰🙏🏽💫
Alana, Founder of Explorations of Self
Couldn’t agree more! That’s exactly what I’ve been doing….spending time by mySELF 🙂 seems like I’ve gotten all of the answers I need ❤️